Duke students to participate in the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) Annual Academy December 1-3, 2021

Duke Predoctoral students, Liann Tucker (Sociology), Ruth Wygle (Sociology), Sarah Petry (Sanford School of Public Policy), and Lindsay Yingzhi Xu   (Sociology),  will participate  in  the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) Annual Academy, December 1-3, 2021.

The International Max Planck Research School for Population, Health and Data Science (IMPRS-PHDS), hosts a unique three-year doctoral program that merges demography, epidemiology and data science. The program equips doctoral students not only with advanced knowledge of the theory and methods of demography and epidemiology, but also with strong technical skills in statistics, mathematical modeling, and computational and data management methods. Duke University is one of 10 academic institutions throughout the world that are affiliated with the program, offering  students this exceptional training opportunity.

Once a year, the Annual Academy brings together IMPRS-PHDS students and their supervisors at MPIDR. During the three days,  Academy participants are involved in various program components, e.g. student and faculty presentations, and have a lot of opportunities for networking and collegial exchange. 

Check out the MPIDR website to learn  more about affiliated institutions, student cohorts, application cycles  and the training curriculum. DUPRI faculty engaged in the program include M. Giovanna Merli,  Scott M. Lynch, and James Moody. For additional information about the program, contact M. Giovanna Merli.